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Step 1: Indicates the donation type
Donation type
Bank card or PayPal Charged to
This type of contribution is made through paypal with credit/debit card or your own paypal account.This type of contribution requires a bank account.
Or also
If you prefer to make a direct deposit into the account can do:
- CaixaBank: I.B.A.N. ES28-2100-4650-1822-0005-4163
- Unicaja: I.B.A.N. ES12-2103-3326-7500-3138-0129
- Sabadell: I.B.A.N. ES69-0081-0250-9600-0211-4918
Or if you prefer…
You can also get off this form and return it to us filled out to Delwende al Servicio de la Vida. Plaza Madre Molas 1 – 28036 Madrid (Spain) or send it by email to