School “Fe y Alegría – Caruto” in Caicara del Orinoco (Venezuela)

The “Fe y Alagría” School is located in the neighborhood of San Rafael, Centurión sector.

At present, the communities around the School are being formed from large families whom are in a daily and continuously race for survival. Houses and educational institutions were built, and basic medical assistance was incremented around the area. The supply service is very precarious in the area, there are constant failures in the water service, which generates many water cuts and sometimes with electricity lost. This generates problems with hygiene, health, communication, public transport, etc.

On top of the mentioned above, there is a constant threat of a big pool of balckwater in front of the school.

The school is being guided by the “Sisters of Consolation”, and inspired by the educational principles of Fe y Algeria and the charisma of Consolation.

The internal organization responds to a vision with three well-defined dimensions: a humanizing, integrating and liberating education. These dimensions are present in any action that takes place in different school environments.

For “Fe y Alegría”, to educate you must shape your heart, mind, the hands of the people, believes in quality education, hence education which foment man and woman’s whom are aware of their potentials and the reality that surrounds them.

The School takes care of 440 students during morning and afternoon shifts, in 7 classrooms, in ages between 5 and 12 years old.

Fe y Alegría is an International Movement of Popular Education and Social Promotion, which aimed to help the poor population to transform the societies to base on the values of justice, freedom, participation, fraternity, respect for diversity and solidarity.

The main objective is to build a quality education for the neediest sectors of Caicara del Orinoco in Venezuela.

As the founder of Fe y Alegría expresses: “The education of the poor cannot be poor education”. It is a duty to give the children of the school a quality education based on values, that prepares them to serve the Venezuelan society.

Project actions

2017Allocation for school desks.
2018Collaboration with the equipment and maintenance of the school.
2019Repair of the school building.
2020Renovation of different rooms and units.
2021Construction of two new classrooms.
2022Repair and maintenance of five classrooms.
2023Construction of new bathrooms for the II basic stage and waterproofing of the classrooms.


del Orinoco, State of Bolivar (Venezuela)