Primary needs of “House of Joy” and Elementary School in Matola (Mozambique)

The “House of Joy” is one of the many houses of the Missionaries of Charity (Sisters of Mother Teresa), located in the suburbs of Maputo (Mozambique). The hard work that the Sisters performed with the neediest people, becomes a reference to the community level. Various organizations and hospitals derive children, adolescents and adults that can not be collected elsewhere and much needed support, care and affection to achieve stabilized and or recover.

All residents of the House of Joy have life histories associated with extreme poverty, infectious diseases (particularly AIDS), physical and/or mental impairments, abandonment and begging stemming the rural exodus and unemployment in Maputo and surroundings.

Attached to the “House of Joy” the Sisters built a free school with six classrooms and a library. This elementary school offers classes from 1st to 5th year in two shifts, one in the morning and other in the afternoon. Then help children who have just 5th year to be integrated into other schools. They have 565 children, of the House of Joy and the rest from the neighborhoods around the landfill Maputo from extreme poverty and many of them orphans. The Sisters provide children with a daily school meal, a single dish.

Currently, Delwende collaborates with the Missionaries of Charity to provide food for 200 people from the House of Joy, and children who attend the school attached.

Thus the number of beneficiaries of the project amounts to more than 700 people.

The project specific objectives are :

1st. Encourage the provision of some basic food (rice, flour , beans and sugar ) depending on the weekly menu and existing resources.

2nd. Ensure daily dish of food for children and primary school teachers.

3rd. Contribute to feeding the residents of the House of Joy , the vast majority of them, patients .

The Missionary Sisters of Charity (Sisters of Mother Teresa), are responsible for project implementation

In this video we see the testimony of Almudena Jardón, medical doctor who was in Mozambique. Here she tell us how this project began.

Project actions

2008 a 2023Project Funding by sending an annual grant for the purchase of medicines and food for primary care needs.


Matola, province of Maputo (Mozambique)