Santa Monica Social Center in Guarapari (Brazil)

Centro social Santa Mónica, Brasil

The Santa Mónica Social Center offers a service for coexistence and strengthening family and social ties, serving children and adolescents from 6 to 14 years and 11 months.

There are 50 children and adolescents at risk of social exclusion with whom the Center has been working. The project that will be developed with children and adolescents is to carry out the continuity of a comprehensive work, which provides a harmonious and pleasant environment that facilitates users’ search for responsibility, coexistence, autonomy, protagonism and teamwork, supported by human and Christians. Directly and indirectly, families also receive help and even moments of training, support and donations according to the demands presented.

The Social Center aims to provide opportunities, means and conditions for basic education, vocational qualification, sport, art and leisure, improving life and income generation. This is done through workshops such as school reinforcement, crafts, sports, music and reading incentives. Along with the educators, there is support from the technical team of the social worker and a pedagogical coordinator. All workshops are organized within a general project, the pedagogy of each workshop is playful, accompanied by semi-annual and monthly planning, monthly reports, evaluation of each activity and the annual presentation of all works.

Project actions

2023Support to the running of the Center including buildings, materials and personnel.
2024Included in the 2024 budget and pending collection for: Support to the running of the Cente.


Guarapari, Estado Espíritu Santo (Brasil)